Transportation costs are more than ever. Rail legislation, fuel surcharges, freight costs all weigh into the need to increase efficiency. LOADRITE™ is there to help.
The accuracy you can expect from a LOADRITE™ on board weighing system is demonstrated by Legal for Trade approval in many countries around the world. We intend to remain the leader and are committed to continually introducing and enhancing our products. LOADRITE™ systems for wheel loaders, excavators, and conveyor belts give you the visibility to track the flow of material, identify bottlenecks, and improve the efficiency of your supply chain.
With LOADRITE™ wheel loader scales, belt scales, and excavator scales underloading and overloading your trucks, rail, and ships will be a thing of the past. Your operation will be more efficient, and safer than ever before.
Are you loading rail? Are you tracking each ton, what product, who loaded it, where it is going for each car?
LOADRITE™ has a complete range of wheel loader scales, excavator scales, and conveyor belt scales to accurately measure the tons you are loading onto your rail cars. With easy to use reporting, LOADRITE™ systems can give you data to track and report what you are loading.
Recording the rail data in our Material Management System is easy, and gives you an electronic record of your activity. With Rail safety and rail freight costs a concern of any rail shipper, now is the time to examine your rail loading practices.
Coal rail loading, scrap metal, aggregates, waste, any material that you are transporting by rail can be optimized using a LOADRITE™ system.
Do you load with wheel loaders, excavators, and conveyer belts?
LOADRITE™ systems use similar interfaces for their products, allowing you to quickly and easily move between the scales and reporting software.